
Little Millet/
Saamai Arisi
(சாமை அரிசி)

20.00 15.00

SKU: 1813 Category:



The Little Millet (samai) is believed to have originated in India. It is grown and used for food almost exclusively in our country. It belongs to the group of small millets (other members being Proso, Kodo, Barnyard and Finger millets), which are said to be nutritionally superior to rice and wheat. The name Samai is actually a Tamil word for this lesser known member of the millet family. It is known as Kutki or Shavan in Hindi, Gajro or Kuri in Gujarati, and Sava in Marathi. One of the few cereal crops that does not demand much from the soil, Samai can grow well in the poorest of soils and with little rainfall. Yet, while it does not take much, Samai gives back tremendously in terms of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Samai:

1. Among cereals, Samai has been found to have the highest amount of fiber. Its crude fiber content is nearly twice that of other cereals.

2. Samai is rich in phenolic compounds that show antioxidant activity.

3. This millet is an excellent source of Iron. One serving (30 g) can provide 16% of the daily iron needs for an adult man.

4. Like other millets, Samai is also gluten free. It makes up for the lack of wholegrain fiber in Celiac (gluten free) diets.

5. Samai has a low to medium glycaemic index thus is diabetic friendly.

6. It is a rich source of the essential amino acids Histidine, Methionine and Phenylalanine.

Search Terms:
Samai Arisi, Samai Rice, Shamai Rice, Shamai Arisi


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Saamai Arisi
(சாமை அரிசி)

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