
Sabja Seeds
(சப்ஜா விதை)

33.00 25.00

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Benefits of Sabja:

Sabja Seeds for Weight loss:
If you take Sabja Seeds, you will not be hungry for a long time. It may be due to fiber in it. If you do not get hungry for a long time, you can prevent the weight gain. When you are in diet to reduce weight, Sabja seeds will be useful.

Sabja Seeds for body heat:
Generally, It is best to take the Sabja Seeds in summer. Because it reduces body heat and keeps the body cool. So if you are suffering from too much body heat,  soak it in a cool water at night and drink the next morning.

Sabja Seeds for Constipation:
Sabja Seed is the best medicine to get rid of constipation.The elderly people who have constipation should drink a teaspoon of Sabja Seeds  in hot milk. This is also a relief for the constipation during pregnancy.

Sabja Seeds for Diabetes:
Sabja seeds are good for type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetic patients can keep it in the water, add it to cold milk, and drink some drops of vanilla eszines and maintain the level of sugar in the blood.

Sabja Seeds for Acidity:

Sabja Seeds help cure problems in the stomach. If you are stuck with heartburn or acidity, soak these seeds in water at night and drink with milk next morning without drinking tea / coffee.


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(சப்ஜா விதை)

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