
Avuri Ilai Podi/
Avuri Leaves Powder
(அவுரி இலை பொடி)

25.00 20.00

SKU: 1116 Categories: ,


Benefits of Avuri:

• Digestive system:
It relieves constipation, useful in rheumatoid arthritis, ascites, splenomegaly, liver disorders. It is a very good liver tonic.

• Respiratory system:
It is useful in cough, cold, bronchitis, rhinitis, asthma.

• Musculo-skeletal system:
Useful in gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis. Relieves pain and inflammation of joints, improves flexibility.

• Hair care:
Used to relieve grey hairs and to promote hair growth. The dry powder doesn ‘t turn blue since it is from dry extracts of plant and free from coloring agents.

• Insect bites and skin disorders:
Leaf paste is applied externally to heal wound quickly, also useful in case of insect bites and skin disorders with itching. It is also used in treating scorpion bite.

• Use in rabies:
The leaf paste is applied over the dog bite site.


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Avuri Leaves Powder
(அவுரி இலை பொடி)

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